
E.g., 26/07/2024
E.g., 26/07/2024

Press Release: ALLEA Turns 30 and Elects New President, Board, and Members

ALLEA Turns 30 and Elects New President, Board, and Members

RCGP Monthly Philosophy Seminar - 29.05.2024, Colin G. King




The Research Centre for Greek Philosophy at the Academy of Athens

Invites you in the course of the Monthly Philosophy Seminar

to the lecture by Colin G. King, Associate Professor of Philosophy (Providence College),

which will be held in the presence of the speaker

on Wednesday 29 May 2024, 16:00-20:00 (ATH, GR time zone)

RCGP AA, Lecture Dominic Bailey, 22.05.2024, 18:00-20:00




The Research Centre for Greek Philosophy at the Academy of Athens

invites you to the lecture by Dominic Bailey,

Associate Professor of Philosophy (Colorado-Boulder),

which will take place on Wednesday 22 May 2024, 18:00-20:00,

at the "Elli Lambridis" Philosophical Library (9 Hypsilantou str., Athens).

Events/Lectures RCGP AA 13-17 May 2024


WEEK 13-17 MAY 2024




Tuesday 14 May, 18:00-20:00

Dimitris Dimitrakos, Emeritus Professor of Political Philosophy (HPS, UoA)

Σοφία, φιλοσοφία και καθεστώς λόγου


Postponement of the Monthly Philosophy Seminar / Gisela Striker


The forthcoming session of the Monthly Philosophy Seminar on 3 April 2024, by Professor Gisela Striker, is postponed due to unexpected unavailability of the speaker.


You will be further notified once a new date is set.

On behalf of the RCGP


RCGP Monthly Philosophy Seminar, Wed 20 March 2024, Paolo Fait (Oxford)




The Research Centre for Greek Philosophy at the Academy of Athens

Invites you in the course of the Monthly Philosophy Seminar

to the lecture which will take place on

Wednesday 20 March 2024, 16:00-18:00 (ATH, GR timezone) at the Elli Lambridis Philosophical Library (9 Hypsilantou str., Athens).

Scientific Report on the European Power Sovereignty through Renewables by 2030


Participation of the Academy of Athens in the new Scientific Report on the European Power Sovereignty through Renewables by 2030 in collaboration with :

Technical University of Berlin, Germany 

Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, Germany

International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, Laxenburg, Austria

German Institute for Economic Research, Berlin, Germany

Bauhaus Earth, Berlin, Germany

Research Center for Atmospheric Physics and Climatology, Academy of Athens, Greece



Confirmation by Presidential Decree of the election of Professor Georgia (Gia) Destouni as a corresponding member of the Academy of Athens



Athens, March 8, 2024

Confirmation by Presidential Decree

of the election of Professor Georgia (Gia) Destouni

as a corresponding member of the Academy of Athens


Georgia (Gia) Destouni