Tsolakidis Symeon

Symeon Tsolakidis
Grade C Researcher

Biographical note


Dialectology, Etymology, Dialectal Lexicography, Morphology, History of Greek



1995-2002 PhD: Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, School of Philology, Department of Linguistics, Thesis title: “Verbal aspect in Doric dialects”.

1992-1995 MA: Department of Philology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece, Thesis title: “Motherese and language development”.

1988-1992 Bachelor Degree: Department of Philology (Linguistics), Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece.



7-13/8/2023 In situ fieldwork on Thassos island, Greece, mandated by the Academy of Athens.

2019-2020 Post Doctoral Research Fellow (University of Patras, Greece) at the research project “DiCaDLanD: digitizing the Cappadocian dialectal landscape” (Support to Post Doctoral Researchers) funded by the General Secretariat for Research and Technology and the Hellenic Foundation for Research & Innovation.

2017-2019 Adjunct Researcher (Simon Fraser University, Canada) at the research project “IMMIGREC: immigration and language in Canada. Greeks and Greek-Canadians” funded by the Stavros Niarchos Foundation.

2012-2015 Research Fellow (University of Patras, Greece) at the research project Thales (20122015) entitled “Pontus, Cappadocia, Aivali: in search of Asia Minor Greek” co-funded by the European Social Fund and National funds (Ministry of Education, lifelong learning and religious affairs).

2002-2008 Tenured researcher at the Institute of Modern Greek Studies, Aristotle University Thessaloniki, participating mainly in the design and the compilation of 1) a digital reverse dictionary of Ancient Greek, and 2) the Bibliography for the Greek language, an online information system which allows search of bibliographic data concerning the Greek and its synchronic or diachronic description.

1999-2002 Adunct reseracher at the Institute of Modern Greek Stuies, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, with main object the collection and recording of scientific publications and references concerning Modern Greek language.

8/1995 In situ fieldwork in the district of Mariupol, Ukraine, concerning the Modern Greek variety used in Eastern Ukraine, mandated by the Committee of Pontian Studies.



10/2020 Adjunct Lecturer at the postgraduate program “Current trends in Linguistics for teachers” (course ADE52 “The relation of Ancient Greek to Modern Greek and its teaching in schools”), School of Humanities, Hellenic Open University, Greece.

9/2020 – 6/2022 Teacher of Ancient and Modern Greek language and literature at the Secondary & High School of Olympos, Karpathos, Greece.

2/2009 – 11/2012 Assistant Professor of Modern Greek Language at the Department of Primary Education, Frederick University, Cyprus.

2/2005 – 2/2009 Adjunt Lecturer at the Department of Philosophy and Education, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece (courses: “Historical Linguistics”, “General Linguistics”.

10/2005 – 5/2006 Adjunt Lecturer at the Department of Philology, University of Patras, Greece (courses: “Lexicology-Lexicography”, “History of Linguistics”).



to appear: Tsolakidis S. “Men and women in the lexicography for Early Modern Greek”. Language & History.

2024: Tsolakidis S., Melissaropoulou D. & A. Ralli. Archival and literay sources in the study of language change: new data for the development of Modern Greek Present Perfect [in Greek]. Studies in Greek Linguistics 43, 621-631.

2024: Tsolakidis S. Anaptyxis (in Hellenistic, Medieval and Modern Greek). In G. K. Giannakis et al. (eds.), Encyclopedia of Greek Language and Linguistics. Leiden: Brill.

2024: Tsolakidis S. Conditionals (in Medieval and Modern Greek). In G. K. Giannakis et al. (eds.), Encyclopedia of Greek Language and Linguistics. Leiden: Brill.

2024: Tsolakidis S. Counterfactuals (in Medieval and Modern Greek). In G. K. Giannakis et al. (eds.), Encyclopedia of Greek Language and Linguistics. Leiden: Brill.

2024: Tsolakidis S. Habituals (in Medieval and Modern Greek). In G. K. Giannakis et al. (eds.), Encyclopedia of Greek Language and Linguistics. Leiden: Brill.

2023: Tsolakidis S. Verbal suppletion in inner Asia Minor Greek [in Greek]. Lexicographic Bulletin 27-28, 317-334.

2022: Pappas P., Ralli A. & S. Tsolakidis. Greek-Canadian Koiné: the emergence of a Koiné among Greek-Canadian immigrants. Languages 7(2).

2022: Tsolakidis S. & Α. Villalva. The morphological consituent of the under development dictionary prototype European Roots [in Greek]. In M. Katsogiannou & Α. Anastasiadi-Simeonidi (eds.), Lexicography and morphology: the position of morphology in the dictionaries of Modern Greek. Athens: Patakis, 289-310.

2021: Tsolakidis S. Hills and mountains in (Modern) Greek lexicography. Lexicographica 37, 177-202.

2021: Tsolakidis S. & P. Pappas. The unstressed vowels in the Modern Greek spoken by Greek immigrants in Canada [in Greek]. In T. Markopoulos et al. (eds.), Proceedings of ICGL 14 (Patras, 5-8/9/2019). Patras: University of Patras, 1393-1404. 

2020: Tsolakidis S., Melissaropoulou D. & Α. Ralli. The form and function of Present Perfect A in Modern Greek dialects [in Greek]. Studies in Modern Greek Linguistics 40, 513-523. 

2019: Tsolakidis S. Modern Greek equivalents of ‘red’. In A. Villalva & G. Williams (eds.) The landscape of lexicography, pp. 305-314. Lisbon: Centro de Linguística da Universidade de Lisboa.

2019: Tsolakidis S. Modern Greek. In Villalva A. et al. ‘Daisies’ in some European languages: a survey of lexical knowledge’. In A. Villalva & G. Williams (eds.) The landscape of lexicography, pp. 248-257. Lisbon: Centro de Linguística da Universidade de Lisboa.

2019: Tsolakidis S., Ralli A. & P. Pappas. Dialectal forms of the imperfective past in the speech of the Greek immigrants in Canada [in Greek]. In Ralli, A. (ed.), Patras Working Papers in Linguistics 5. Special Issue: Language and immigration: the speech of Greek immigrants in Canada. Patras: University of Patras, 23-36. 

2019: Pappas, P. & S. Tsolakidis. Vowel raising in the speech of the Greek immigrants in Canada [in Greek]. In Ralli, A. (ed.), Patras Working Papers in Linguistics 5. Special Issue: Language and immigration: the speech of Greek immigrants in Canada. Patras: University of Patras, 67-82. 

2019: Pappas P., Ralli Α. & S. Tsolakidis. Distribution and use of unaccented syllabic augment in Canadian Greek. In A. Ralli et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the 9th International Conference of Modern Greek Dialects and Linguistic Theory  (Gjirokastër, 4-6/10/2018), 273-286.

2019: Tsolakidis S., Melissaropoulou D. & A. Ralli. The form and function of Past Perfect (A) in Modern Greek dialects [in Greek]. In I. Kappa & Μ. Tzakosta (eds.), Proceedings of MGDLT 7 (Rethimno, 6-8/10/ 2016), 194-207. Patras: University of Patras, 206-217.

2017: Tsolakidis S., Ralli Α. & D. Melissaropoulou. Etymology and dialectal lexicography: the Dictionary of the dialectal variety of Kydonies, Moschonisia and North Eastern Lesbos and the tri-dialectal on-line dictionary of Cappadocian, Pontic and Aivaliot]. In C. Tzitzilis & G. Papanastasiou (eds.), Greek etymology, 294-309. Thessaloniki: Institute of Modern Greek Studies.

2016: Tsolakidis S., Melissaropoulou D. & A. Ralli. Perfect and counterfactual periphrastic structures in Asia Minor Greek dialects [in Greek]. In A. Ralli, N. Κoutsoukos & S. Bompolas (eds.), Proceedings of MGDLT 6 (Patras, 25-28/9/2014). Patras: University of Patras, 195-208.

2016: Tsolakidis S. & D. Melissaropoulou. Present Perfect vs. Simple Past in Greek school textbooks: a competitive relation? In M. Mattheoudakis & A. Nicolaidis (eds.), Selected Papers from the ISTAL 21, pp. 805-822. Thessaloniki: Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.

2013: Melissaropoulou D., C. Themistokleous, S. Tsiplakou & S. Tsolakidis. The Present Perfect in Cypriot Greek revisited. In F. Gregersen, J. Parrott & P. Quist (eds.), "Language variation - European Perspectives IV", Series "Studies in Language Variation", pp. 159-172. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company.

2013: Tsolakidis S. & A. Ralli. Etymology and dialectal lexicography: the Dictionary of the Minor Asia dialectal varieties of Kydonies, Moschonisia and Eastern Lesvos (DKMEL). In Μ. Janse et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the MGDLT 5, pp. 475-486. Patras: University of Patras.

2012: Tsolakidis S. The Modern Greek Cypriot variety: earliest attestations and features. Themata 11-12. Special issue for the Cypriot dialect, 22-31.

2012: Tsolakidis S. Dialect and language education: a contribution to the diachrony and the synchrony of Cypriot Greek language education matters [in Greek]. Synchroni Ekpedefsi 170, 97-120.

2012: Tsolakidis S. & N. Loizidou-Ieridou. Writing in the Cypriot Dialect: more history or more phonology? Investigating primary school students’ choices of words, morphemes and graphemes when writing using the Cypriot Dialect. ATINER's Conference Paper Series, No: EDU2012-0131. Athens: Athens Institute for Education and Research.

2012: Eteokleous-Grigoriou N., Anagnostou G. & S. Tsolakidis. Examining the use of text corpora and online dictionaries as learning tools: pre-service teachers' perspectives. In Α. Jimoyannis (ed.), Research on e-learning and ICT in Education: technological, pedagogical and instructional issues, 109-123. New York: Springer.

2011: Tsolakidis S. Some observations on the distribution and the function of verbal forms in Ancient Greek Lesbian dialect. In C. Charalambakis & Μ. Tzuvani (eds.), Proceedings of the 6th International Linguistic Congress “The dialects of Greek language from ancient times to nowadays” (Corigliano, 6-8/10/2005). Athens: Οrganisation for the Promotion of Greek Language, 264-288.

2011: Tsolakidis S. Grammaticalised structures of potential modality in Modern Greek dialects [in Greek]. In Μ. Janse et al. (eds.). Proceedings of MGDLT 3 (Nicosia, 14-16/6/2007). Nicosia: Reserach Centre of the Kykkos Monastery, 215-226.

2010: Tsolakidis S. Counterfactual periphrases with ήθελα+inf. in Modern Greek dialects [in Greek]. In Α. Ralli et al. (eds.), Proceedings of MGDLT 4 (Chios, 11-14/6/2009). Patras: University of Patras, 224-231.

2010: Tsolakidis S. & D. Melissaropoulou. The historical development of the privative postverbal formations in -t(os) in Medieval and Modern Greek [in Greek]. Studies in Greek Linguistics 30, 630-642. 

2009: Manolessou I., S. Tsolakidis. Greek coordinated compounds: synchrony and diachrony. Patras Working Papers in Linguistics 1:23-39.

2009: Tsolakidis S. Counterfactual periphrases with ithela na in Modern Greek dialects [in Greek]. Studies in Greek Linguistics 29, 413-457. 

2008: Tsolakidis S. Remarks on the aspectual function and the distribution of verbal forms in Elean. In R. Hodot & G. Vottéro G. (eds.), Dialectes grecs et aspect verbal. Actes de la Table Ronde de Saint Etienne, pp. 227-247. Nancy: ADRA.

2007: Ralli Α., Melissaropoulou D. & S. Tsolakidis. The Present Perfect in Modern Greek and its dialects: some remarks on its form and its development [in Greek]. Studies in Greek Linguistics 27, 361-372.

2007: Tsolakidis S. Some remarks on verbal aspect in relation to the function and the distribution of verbal forms in Locrian. In Proceedings of ICGL 7 (York, 8-10/9/2005).

2006: Tsolakidis S. A correction in a decree from Tanagra (REG 12, 1899, 72 et seq. I, ll. 32-33) [in Greek]. Ellinika 54, 105-106. 

2004: Tsolakidis S. Some remarks on the relation between verbal aspect and tense in Thessalian [in Greek]. Studies in Greek Linguistics 24, 717-727

2003: Τsolakidis S. Some remarks on the use of verbal forms in Heraclean [in Greek]. Studies in Greek Linguistics 23, 452-463

2002: Tsolakidis S. On the influence of syntax in the realisation of verbal aspect in Ionian of Minor Asia and Cyclades. Studies in Greek Linguistics 22, 671-680.

2000: Tsolakidis S. Prepositions and verbal aspect in Doric dialects. Studies in Greek Linguistics 20, 555-566.



Siotou Α. et al. (2019). Virtual museum of IMMIGREC project. Stories of Greek Immigration to Canada.

Information and contact

Research Centre for Modern Greek Dialects


22, Alexandrou Soutsou str.,
106 71 Athens

Tel: +30 211 211 1013

email: stsolakidis@academyofathens.gr